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Getting Started

Get higher response rates and detailed, actionable insights by creating branded and personalized surveys customers will actually fill out.

Li Xia avatar
Written by Li Xia
Updated over a week ago

Popular uses of Sondar surveys include:

  • Add a CSAT survey to any helpdesk workflow.

  • Collect feedback from users when they complete onboarding.

  • Collect feedback from a customer post purchase.

  • Embed surveys directly into employee's email signatures.

  • Measure customer loyalty by sending recurring NPS surveys via email.

In this article:

Build your first survey

1. Select a survey template

👉 Start a new survey

On the survey page, click New to start a new survey

👉 Choose a survey template

While you can build any type of survey in Sondar, the easiest way to get started is to choose an existing survey template.

Most of these templates are built around a primary metric that helps efficiently organize, segment, and prioritize feedback. Each template is developed using industry-standard, thoroughly tested, and validated survey methods.

CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) measures how satisfied customers are with a specific interaction, product, or service by asking them to rate their experience on a scale, typically from 1 to 5. It’s a straightforward yet powerful metric that provides immediate insight into customer happiness and helps businesses identify areas for improvement.

NPS (Net Promoter Score) gauges customer loyalty by asking how likely they are to recommend a product or service to others on a scale of 0 to 10. This metric identifies customers, or promoters, who are likely to drive growth through positive word-of-mouth, making it a powerful indicator of long-term success.

CES - Customer Effort Score measures the ease with which customers can complete a task or resolve an issue. By focusing on reducing customer effort, CES helps businesses build stronger relationships and foster loyalty, as customers are more likely to return when their interactions are smooth and hassle-free

5 star rating system is a very popular method of gauging satisfaction with a product, service, or experience. This simple yet effective metric helps businesses quickly identify their top-performing areas and boost customer loyalty, as consistently high ratings can encourage repeat business and positive referrals.

2. Customize your survey

👉 Review the follow up question

Asking a follow-up question provides insights into the reasons behind the rating and helps teams understand specific customer needs and areas for improvement. The follow-up question is built into most templates by default, and you also have the ability to customize it according to your specific context.

Most tools use a boring text box to collect these comments and results in low response rates with vague, non-actionable comments. To address this issue, we have developed an AI researcher that interacts with your customers to uncover detailed and highly actionable feedback.

Example of the AI researcher in action:

👉 AI Researcher Settings


The AI researcher is turned ON by default. You have the option to disable it by setting the toggle to OFF which disables all follow up questions.

Example of the experience with AI researcher off:

👉 Adjust the thank you page (Optional)

Customers will see the thank you page when they complete a survey.

Example thank you page:

👉 Customize each thank you message

The thank you message can be customized using conditional logic based on the value of the primary metric.

👉 Adjust Call to Action

Additionally, a specific call to action (e.g. Review us on Trustpilot) can be set for each sentiment.

3. Apply your branding

Apply your branding to the survey to build trust with your customers and boost response rate.

Visit the Brand tab to upload your logo and brand colors:

The brand logo will appear at the top of every survey element:

Launch your survey

Once you’ve created your survey, give it a test run with your team. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Note: Change the state of survey from DRAFT to LIVE to start collecting responses.

👉Flick over to the Share tab to reveal the two ways to distribute your survey

  1. Share Link: Copy the link and share your survey immediately!

  2. Support ticket workflow: Add the rating buttons to your “solved” or “closed” support ticket email templates in Zendesk or HelpScout.

What's Next?

With this survey, you are now ready to start collecting feedback. 🚀

Remember, this doesn’t have to be a big overhaul. You can always pause the survey or remove the embed codes if needed.

If you’re unsure about which type of survey is best for your needs, get in touch - we’re here to help!

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